シリコーン vs TPE: 大人のおもちゃに最適な素材は何ですか?

の写真 天使の


彼女は大人のおもちゃ業界で 10 年以上働いてきました。 8 years of R&D capabilities and now holds the position of director.


As consumers, when using adult toys, we often see different materials mentioned in product descriptions, like silicone, TPE, ABSプラスチック, glass, metal, etc. The last three are easily distinguishable. 記事上で, we will discuss the differences between silicone and TPE/TPR materials:


Tongue Licking Lay On Vibrator in purple color

This silicon-based synthetic material boasts excellent heat resistance and chemical resilience. Silicone feels great to the touch—soft and elastic—making it a popular choice for adult toys such as vibrators and anal plugs. This material does not react with oil-based lubricants and is easy to clean. Compared to TPE, silicone is more durable and long-lasting. It's also non-porous, preventing bacterial growth. しかし, due to higher production costs, silicone adult toys are typically more expensive.


allurbe TPE Dolls

TPE (熱可塑性エラストマー): TPE is renowned for its flexibility and stretchability. It mimics the feel of human skin and is less expensive to produce, making it a popular choice for larger adult toys like sex dolls. しかし, TPE is more porous than silicone, making it more susceptible to dust and bacteria. It can also react with certain oil-based lubricants. さらに, TPE isn't as durable as silicone, typically resulting in a shorter lifespan for these products.

Silicone VS TPE: detailed comparison

  1. Touch Feel Silicone tends to be harder compared to TPE, which is very soft. This is why sex dolls, dildos, or masturbators often use TPE material because it feels closer to human skin.

  2. Stretch Strength Normally, silicone can be stretched three to five times its size. TPE can be stretched six to eight times its size.

  3. Product Odor 一般的に, newly produced silicone sex toys have no odor, while TPE material sex toys may have a slight smell.

  4. Heat Resistance and Corrosion Resistance Given the same level of corrosion, silicone material is more resistant. 一般的に, silicone can withstand high temperatures up to 200 摂氏, whereas TPE material may start to melt at 40 摂氏.

  5. Environmental Impact The production waste of TPE material can be 100% recycled. 一方で, it’s difficult to reuse silicone waste.

  6. Manufacturing Cost The manufacturing cost of silicone is approximately two to three times that of TPE.

When choosing adult toys, one can select the material based on their specific needs. 同じシリコン材料が体にさまざまな影響を与える可能性があることを覚えておくことも重要です, 生産基準に応じて. 市場のほとんどのシリコン材料は医療グレードで使用するのに安全です, 副作用や感染症を引き起こしません. 工業用グレードのシリコン, しかし, 成人製品にはお勧めしません.


に設立されました 2018, ALLURBE は評判の良い大人のおもちゃメーカーおよびカスタム工場です. 課題や誤った情報にもかかわらず, 私たちは大人のおもちゃの可能性を最大限に引き出すことに専念しています. 私たちの使命は最高品質の製品を作ることです, 広範な研究に裏付けられた, お客様の生活を豊かにするために. 熟練したチームと革新性と安全性への取り組み, 私たちは業界をリードします, 優れたエクスペリエンスを確保する. あらゆるニーズに応える信頼できる大人のおもちゃサプライヤーとして ALLURBE をお選びください. あなたのブランドに合わせて大人のおもちゃをカスタムするには、今すぐお問い合わせください.




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