モバイルアプリを利用して振動する大人のおもちゃを制御する: 包括的なガイド

の写真 天使の


彼女は大人のおもちゃ業界で 10 年以上働いてきました。 8 years of R&D capabilities and now holds the position of director.


Recently, when communicating with some sex toy brand founders, we are often asked one question: I want to develop a brand-specific APP to control the vibrating toys, how should I proceed? 記事上で, we will briefly discuss APP-controlled vibrating toys.

About the Development of the APP

app develope steps

The development of a mobile APP is a complex task, with interface design, function design, and internal structure being factors that need consideration. The main mobile systems in the current market are Android and iOS, thus mobile APP development mainly revolves around these two platforms.

Why an APP Can Control Sex Toys

app control lay on vibrator

一般的に, sex toys that can be controlled by an APP will have a built-in circuit board, which includes a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth receiver, and a control chip to receive and interpret commands sent by the APP. When the sex toy receives a command sent by the APP, it will carry out the corresponding operations, such as adjusting vibration frequency and mode, etc.

How an APP Connects to Sex Toys

Most vibrating toys on the market connect to the APP via Bluetooth. Once the Bluetooth and the mobile APP are connected, we can send commands in close proximity to control the vibration mode of the toy, experience different features, etc. As we all know, Bluetooth connection is limited by distance, usually not exceeding 20 meters. したがって, for most users, this distance is sufficient for daily use. しかし, there may be special situations, such as long-distance relationships. If couples in long-distance relationships want to flirt through vibrating toys, we might need to use Wi-Fi connections to meet this need. The advantage of Wi-Fi connection is that there is no distance limit, but network availability is required.

When you wish to develop an app-controlled sex toy, simply provide us with the Bluetooth protocol of your app. We will customize a circuit board based on your provided protocol. This circuit board serves as the receiver, connecting to the mobile app and receiving various commands sent by the app. It then transmits these commands to the product’s chip for execution. 現在, most app-controlled sex toys on the market use the LOVE SPOUSE APP for control. This app includes functionalities and vibration frequency modes for various product chips. したがって, until you develop your own app, you can consider using the LOVE SPOUSE APP as an alternative. You only need to customize a sex toy that can be controlled by the app.


APP-controlled sex toys will be a hot product for a long time in the future, especially with the advent of AI tools, which make APPs more playful and controllable. Some companies are already researching CHATGPT-controlled sex toys, which is a very good direction. We believe that future sex toys will become more intelligent and meet users’ daily sexual needs to a greater extent.


に設立されました 2018, ALLURBE は評判の良い大人のおもちゃメーカーおよびカスタム工場です. 課題や誤った情報にもかかわらず, 私たちは大人のおもちゃの可能性を最大限に引き出すことに専念しています. 私たちの使命は最高品質の製品を作ることです, 広範な研究に裏付けられた, お客様の生活を豊かにするために. 熟練したチームと革新性と安全性への取り組み, 私たちは業界をリードします, 優れたエクスペリエンスを確保する. あらゆるニーズに応える信頼できる大人のおもちゃサプライヤーとして ALLURBE をお選びください. あなたのブランドに合わせて大人のおもちゃをカスタムするには、今すぐお問い合わせください.




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