Fallo vibrante VS Fallo non vibrante, qual è il miglior dildo per te?

Immagine di Quello di Angelo

Quello di Angelo

Ha lavorato per oltre dieci anni nel settore dei giocattoli sessuali con 8 years of R&D capabilities and now holds the position of director.



As a sex toy manufacturer, we frequently research various types of sex toy products. Among them, dildos are one of the product types we study the most. Dildos were initially designed to resemble the shape of a penis. Tuttavia, with the development of sex toys and various considerations related to their use, dildos are no longer limited to the shape of a penis. Generally, sex toys used for vaginal and anal stimulation can be considered dildos. Attualmente, the dildos on the market can be categorized based on their functions into vibrating dildos and non-vibrating dildos. In questo articolo, we will provide a brief overview of these two types of dildos.

1. Falli vibranti

Features of Vibrating Dildos:

Vibrating dildos typically come with multiple function modes, including various vibration patterns, swinging stimulation, telescopic stimulation, automatic heating, and wireless control. Users can choose different functions and stimulation frequencies according to their preferences, enjoying a diverse user experience.

User experience of Vibrating Dildos:

Vibrating dildos offer multiple functions, allowing users to adjust based on their body’s response and preferences, making them very beginner-friendly. Most vibrating dildos nowadays are rechargeable, making them convenient to use and suitable for the masturbation community.

Disadvantage of Vibrating Dildos:

Despite their popularity, vibrating Dildos also have some significant drawbacks. For instance, they require charging, and vibrating toys generally produce noise, which can be unfriendly for users who require privacy. Inoltre, vibrating dildos are typically more expensive than non-vibrating ones due to their complex design and multiple functions. Finally, vibrating dildos usually contain many electronic components and batteries internally, requiring special attention during use and cleaning.

2. Falli non vibranti

Non-vibrating dildos come in a wide variety of styles. Attualmente, the non-vibrating dildos on the market can be categorized by shape into huge dildos, animal-shaped dildos, double-headed dildos, non-penis-shaped dildos, e altro ancora. These dildos also come in different sizes.

In terms of materials, there are silicone dildos, TPE dildos, glass dildos, and metal dildos, among others. The price of dildos can vary significantly based on their material and size. Inoltre, different materials can have varying impacts on health.

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From a functional perspective, non-vibrating dildos are primarily used to simulate a penis for masturbation or foreplay and intercourse between sexual partners. The biggest advantage of these toys is their simplicity and ease of use.

**Advantages of Non-Vibrating Dildos:**
1. These toys are excellent for foreplay between sexual partners. Compared to vibrating dildos, their direct involvement in foreplay provides more intense visual and tactile sexual stimulation.
2. Non-vibrating dildos are very quiet, easy to clean, and more durable compared to vibrating dildos.

**Disadvantages of Non-Vibrating Dildos:**
The disadvantages are also evident. They require manual control, which can be tiring with prolonged use. They lack additional stimulation and cannot offer remote interaction.

3. What’s the best dildo for you?

Vibrating dildos and non-vibrating dildos are both very common types of sex toys. Vibrating dildos offer a variety of functions and intense stimulation, making them great for solo play and exploring different sensations. Tuttavia, they tend to be more expensive than non-vibrating dildos. D'altra parte, non-vibrating dildos provide a more realistic insertion experience, with stronger visual and tactile stimulation. They are also quieter and offer more privacy. Perciò, individuals can choose the appropriate dildo based on their specific needs and budget.

Check here for details of how to choose the best dildo for you:

In sintesi

When choosing the right dildo, it’s important to understand the functions, caratteristiche, advantages, and disadvantages of both vibrating and non-vibrating models. Vibrating dildos offer additional stimulation and satisfaction through various vibration modes, but they may require more maintenance and come at a higher cost. Non-vibrating dildos provide a more realistic feel and operational control, are more affordable, and are easier to maintain. Users should select based on their preferences, experience level, and usage scenarios to ensure the best experience and satisfaction. By choosing the right dildo, you can enhance your experience while ensuring health and safety. If you need a suitable dildo supplier, feel free to contact us at info@allurbe.com.

A proposito di Allurbe

Stabilito in 2018, ALLURBE è un rinomato produttore di giocattoli sessuali e una fabbrica personalizzata. Nonostante le sfide e la disinformazione, ci dedichiamo a sbloccare tutto il potenziale dei giocattoli per adulti. La nostra missione è creare prodotti di altissima qualità, supportato da ricerche approfondite, per migliorare la vita dei nostri clienti. Con un team qualificato e un impegno per l'innovazione e la sicurezza, siamo leader del settore, garantendo un'esperienza eccellente. Scegli ALLURBE come fornitore di sex toy di fiducia per soddisfare ogni esigenza. Contattaci ora per personalizzare i sex toy per il tuo marchio.

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