El recorrido expositivo de ALLURBE en la 25° Todo el País (Cantón) Cultura sexual, Productos para adultos & Exposición de productos para el cuidado de la salud en 2023

Foto de ángel


Ha trabajado durante más de diez años en la industria de juguetes sexuales con 8 years of R&D capabilities and now holds the position of director.


From November 3rd to November 5th, 2023, Guangzhou became the epicenter of global adult products and sexual culture as it hosted the 25th Whole Country (Cantón) Cultura sexual, Productos para adultos & Health Care Product Expo. ALLURBE had the privilege of participating in the entire event as an exhibitor, offering a glimpse into a world of innovation and excitement.

ALLURBE Attend Exhibition in Guangzhou

During this exhibition, ALLURBE showcased a captivating range of adult products, including various vibrators, sensual toys, and other innovative sexual wellness items. Our booth quickly became the center of attention, drawing visitors from various backgrounds and professionals eager to experience and learn about our products firsthand.

The event provided us with an excellent opportunity to network with other industry leaders, suppliers, and potential clients. We engaged in fruitful discussions with numerous peers, sharing insights and experiences in the field of sexual wellness and adult products. These invaluable interactions deepened our understanding of market trends and customer demands.

ALLURBE is committed to delivering outstanding sexual health products to meet individual and couples’ needs. We firmly believe that by participating in such exhibitions, we can gain a better understanding of our customers’ expectations and incorporate these insights into the design and development of our future products.

The Guangzhou Adult Products Expo marks a significant milestone for our company and an essential avenue for connecting with the global sexual health community. ALLURBE will continue to actively participate in industry events to drive innovation, education, and crucial conversations about sexual health.

We extend our gratitude to all the visitors who explored our booth and engaged in insightful discussions with our team. We look forward to future opportunities for collaboration, turning our commitment into innovation and excellence.

Thank you for your support!

Sobre Allurbe

Establecido en 2018, ALLURBE es un fabricante de juguetes sexuales y una fábrica personalizada de buena reputación.. A pesar de los desafíos y la desinformación, Nos dedicamos a desbloquear todo el potencial de los juguetes para adultos.. Nuestra misión es crear productos de la más alta calidad., respaldado por una extensa investigación, para mejorar la vida de nuestros clientes. Con un equipo humano cualificado y comprometido con la innovación y la seguridad, lideramos la industria, asegurando una excelente experiencia. Elige ALLURBE como tu proveedor de juguetes sexuales de confianza para cubrir todas las necesidades. Contáctanos ahora para juguetes sexuales personalizados para tu marca..

Obtenga una cotización para su proyecto de juguetes sexuales ahora

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