Hvem opfandt sexlegetøj?

Billede af Angel's


Hun har arbejdet i over ti år i en sexlegetøjsindustri med 8 years of R&D capabilities and now holds the position of director.


Sex toys have a long and fascinating history, dating back to ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, and Rome. But it wasn’t until the 20th century that the modern sex toy industry began to take shape, with the rise of sex shops and adult novelty stores in cities across the United States.

Joani Blank, founder of San Francisco-based sex toy retailer Good Vibrations, was one of the pioneers of the modern sex toy industry. As a health educator, Blank was passionate about promoting sexual health and empowerment. She saw sex toys as a tool to help people explore their sexuality and improve their sexual health.

Blank quickly became a leader in the industry, sourcing and distributing sex toys from manufacturers around the world. She was one of the first sex toy wholesalers in the United States, helping to establish the market that exists today.

Today, the sex toy industry is a multi-billion dollar global market, with a wide variety of products available to suit every taste and preference. Whether you’re looking for vibrators, dildoer, or other adult toys, der er noget for enhver smag.

Afslutningsvis, the history of sex toys is a fascinating one, and the modern sex toy industry owes much to pioneers like Joani Blank. Thanks to her vision and dedication, sex toys are now widely available and accepted, helping people around the world explore their sexuality and improve their sexual health.

Om Allurbe

Etableret i 2018, ALLURBE er en velrenommeret sexlegetøjsproducent og brugerdefineret fabrik. Trods udfordringer og misinformation, vi er dedikerede til at frigøre det fulde potentiale af legetøj til voksne. Vores mission er at skabe produkter af høj kvalitet, understøttet af omfattende forskning, at forbedre vores kunders liv. Med et dygtigt team og et engagement i innovation og sikkerhed, vi leder branchen, sikre en fremragende oplevelse. Vælg ALLURBE som din betroede sexlegetøjsleverandør for at imødekomme ethvert behov. Kontakt os nu for at få tilpasset sexlegetøj til dit brand.

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